About TIN

The Insurance Network (TIN) was established in 2004 and provides director-level executives from the UK insurance sector with a strategy and benchmarking forum to explore and discuss the strategic challenges facing their businesses and the sector as a whole.

The Insurance Network hosts four annual, one day conferences and a series of breakfast briefings and webinars on an ad hoc basis. The events are for members and non-members alike.

For attendees, the network represents an opportunity to meet their peers in both formal and informal environments, share strategic thinking, benchmark with each other and stay informed of the latest issues drving change in the sector.

For sponsors, TIN acts as a partner and catalyst in their business development process by providing the opportunity to interact with the top tier of their marketplace – not just at a “one-off” event, but in an ongoing relationship.

Join our growing membership

Our Golden Rules

We follow 4 Golden Rules that we feel ensure value for both our delegates and sponsors.

1Only director level-delegates:

No junior managers can attend as delegates to ensure our attendees network and benchmark with their peers, and that our sponsors are meeting the people making strategic decisions on behalf of their organisations.

Suppliers of services cannot attend as delegates*.

2No sales pitches:

Whilst our sponsors chair and facilitate sessions, and give presentations, we only invite them to speak on their area of expertise, and not give demos or presentations thinly disguised as sales pitches.

3Interaction is key:

Our event formats allow ample time for discussion, reflection and benchmarking.

4No press, no transcripts:

The Chatham House Rule applies: speakers will ‘water down’ their presentations if they know there are press in the audience – that’s why we are independent from any publication, have no press in the audience and take no transcripts.

The TINteam

Meet the team behind the events

Jeremy Burgess

Jeremy Burgess


Phil Middleton

Phil Middleton


Cole Fellows

Cole Fellows

Head of Operations

Oscar Lywood

Oscar Lywood

Data & Operations Manager

Tom Lockyer

Tom Lockyer

Sales & Membership Manager

Maximilian Kime

Maximilian Kime

Research & Production Manager

Sam Judd

Sam Judd

Marketing Manager

Oliver Atkins

Oliver Atkins

Data & Operations Executive

Interested in membership?

We have two levels of membership which offer a huge range of benefits to industry practitioners including discounted attendance at our events.

Find Out More

Interested in sponsorship?

Find out why leading suppliers to the UK insurance sector sponsor The Insurance Network year in, year out - and have done since its inception in 2009.

Enquire Now

We support
Stump Up For Trees

TIN is supporting SUFT by funding the planting and maintenance of native broadleaf trees in the Brecon Beacons: we plant a tree for everyone who attends TIN events.

So far we have planted more than 2300 trees. That's a TINwood. We want a TINforest. 

You can check our progress below...

Find Out More

We have so far donated £0
of our Target of £20,000 before the end of 2024