Applying intelligent automation within London market claims

Successfully deploying IA and machine learning to improve the client claims experience and deliver efficiencies.

The Gherkin

Digitalisation in the London market is under way – individual organisations across the value chain recognise the benefits to clients and their own bottom line, and the delivery roadmap for Blueprint II has added further momentum with an explicit focus on claims.

Applied judiciously, intelligent automation (IA) has the potential to transform London market claims processes, reboot the client claims experience, optimise and streamline traditional processes and remove frictional costs. Implemented badly it can spawn cost, friction and disillusionment amongst both staff and clients.

Attend this breakfast briefing to discover how these technologies are being effectively deployed, and how to overcome the operational and cultural challenges to ensure successful implementation.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Where in your claims proposition can you use intelligent automation?
  • Reducing errors, duplications and rekeying to streamline processes
  • Leveraging strategic insights from claims data to improve decision making
  • Overcoming the challenges of connecting disparate systems and IA tools
  • Demonstrating the ROI and balancing the human interactions with robots

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Tim Carter
Vice President Claims
Everest Re
Enrico Alessandri
Global Systems & Processes Expert, Claims, Accounting and Liability Management
Swiss Re


Exclusive breakfast briefing - only 15 places available.



08:00 Registration, tea and coffee

08.15   Breakfast of your choice with views over the city

08.40 Introduction by the chair

08.50 Presentation

Overcoming the operational challenges to achieve a digitally enabled claims experience

  • Leveraging technology, data and automation to transform claims
  • Using analytics to improve claims processes and decision making
  • Using automation to transform the user experience and free up human resource to deliver high value activities
  • How has this delivered ROI and what have been the lessons learned


Tim Carter
Vice President Claims
Everest Re
Enrico Alessandri
Global Systems & Processes Expert, Claims, Accounting and Liability Management
Swiss Re

09.05 Roundtable discussions and feedback

10:00 Close

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