Transforming Underwriting in the London Market
Leveraging digital, data and automation to improve commercial underwriting
The Gherkin
Technology is already driving change across the insurance value chain, reducing cost, increasing speed and improving service for clients.
Within underwriting the critical component that connects underwriting capital to risk is data. The combination of digital capabilities, advanced data analytics and automation is set to transform our understanding of traditional risks, open the door to develop new products and transform underwriting processes.
However, if the true benefits of transforming underwriting are the be realised directors need to overcome the cultural, technological and operational challenges.
Vincent Branch
Chief Executive, Accelerate
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08:00 Registration opens - Grab a coffee & enjoy the views over the city
08:15 Breakfast is served
Leveraging technology to successfully transform underwriting
- How are disruption and innovation bringing change to underwriting at Axa XL
- What are the opportuities and implications of using AI to underwrite risks in the London market?
- What will the successful underwriting function of the future will look like?
Vincent Branch
Chief Executive, Accelerate