Digital Claims 2020

Transforming claims for the digital age

etc Venues, Fenchurch Street

The combination of data & technology to transform the customer experience and deliver efficiencies is the battle ground upon which competitive advantage will be fought in the coming years.

Claims is on the front line. The winners will be those that unlock the strategic value of claims and enable better claims processes, drive innovation and deliver a 21st century claims experience – enabled by digital technologies and data driven insights. The key question is HOW?

Attend Digital Claims 2020 to:

  • Discuss how to leverage digital to improve the claims experience and drive up engagement and retention
  • Discover how to transform claims operations and deliver efficiencies through intelligent automation
  • Explore how you overcome the practical challenges of delivering change and create a claims centric culture


09:00 Keynote Presentations

Leveraging culture and digitalisation for a successful customer outcome

  • What does the digital journey look like at Allianz?
  • Role of the leadership team in preparing people achieve digital change
  • Managing mindset and behavioural change
  • Aligning digital and data with changing customer expectations

10:45 Coffee and networking in the exhibition area

11:15 Discussion sessions


13:00 Lunch and networking in the exhibition area

14:00 Future facing keynote 

Creating customer value in the digital age

  • Leveraging systems thinking to design effective digital services
  • Customer value: the sole driver
  • IT as last, not first
  • Speed of change: how to focus and what to avoid
  • Delivering promises, achieving best practice and overcoming claims process challenges

John Seddon is an occupational psychologist, researcher, professor, management thinker and leading global authority on change, specialising in the service industry.

The Daily Telegraph described him as a “reluctant management guru”. Take a look at John in action in the video below.

Professor John Seddon

Author, management thinker and global authority on change

15:00 Coffee and networking in the exhibition area

15:20 Workshops


16:20 A quick drink

16:30 Closing panel discussion

Can claims drive the digital agenda?

Overcoming key challenges to achieve innovation in claims

Claims has traditionally been at the back of the queue when it comes to investment, setting business strategy and securing the best talent. As organisations focus on brand and customer service, claims should be leading the charge – but is it?

Our panel will explore how claims should be driving the strategic agenda and the practical challenges of delivering a transformation strategy with claims at the centre.Topics to be discussed include:

  • What do we mean by ‘Innovation’ in claims?
  • If we build it will they come? Is there customer appetite for self-service in claims - and how do we get it right?
  • Overcoming the challenges presented by multiple technology systems from suppliers, internal legacy systems and resistance to change
  • What are the future skills and capabilities needed to prosper in the digital age – are we winning the war for talent?
Alex Whitehead
Head of Insurance
Linda Ghodbani
Managing Director
Simon Hughes
Former GI Claims Innovation Lead

17:15 Drinks reception

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